

Prior Chronological Summaries



British Statute 1 Geo I c.13 (1714):
An Act for the further Security of his Majesty's Person and Government...
Secs. 1 and 33. Amends the oaths to refer to King George rather than Queen Anne, and applies it to Ireland.

2 George I c.9 (1715):
An Act to make the Militia of this Kingdom more useful
Sec 1-3. Whereas there have been frequent rebellions and insurrections formerly raised in this kingdom by the popish inhabitants, and whereas there is just reasons to apprehend that the main body of papists may hereafter again endeavour to disturb the publick peace and tranquillity, the chief governors of this kingdom may commission certain protestants to call together all persons being protestants and form them into militia, train the same, and raise money from the inhabitants of the several counties toward the support of the militia.

2 Geo I c.9 (1715):
An Act to make the Militia of this Kingdom more useful
Sec. 4. Whereas the number of papists are very considerable in this kingdom, and it has been found that they have occasioned frequent rebellions, papists shall pay double the sum paid by protestants for support of the militia.

2 Geo I c.9 (1715):
An Act to make the Militia of this Kingdom more useful
Sec. 11.12. Whenever the chief governors of the kingdom think it necessary for the peace and safety of the kingdom, they may authorize sheriffs and other civil officers to seize any horses belonging to any papist and fit to be employed by the militia (except breeding mares, stallions, and horses under 4 years), and hold them for 10 days, during which any militia officer may acquire the same on tender of 5 pounds, less the cost of seizing and holding the same. If no such sum is offered , the horses shall be returned to the owners who must pay for the costs of seizing and keeping the same. And any papist who shall not deliver such horse as required, or in whose possession any arms are found, shall pay the sum of 10 pounds, one half to the informer, the other to the use of the militia.

2 Geo I c.9 (1715):
An Act to make the Militia of this Kingdom more useful
Sec. 16. Any papist house-keeper, or master of a family within a city or town, shall find a fit and sufficient protestant man to serve in the militia in his stead.

2 Geo I c.9 (1715):
An Act to make the Militia of this Kingdom more useful
Sec. 18. All constables shall make a return of all protestant and popish inhabitants in each county, and what proportion the protestant and popish inhabitants bear to each other.

2 Geo I c.10 (1715):
An Act to Restrain Papists from being High or Petty Constables,...
Sec. 1. Whereas the due execution of the laws, and the preservation of the publick peace, do greatly depend on the diligence and fidelity of the high and petty constables, and forasmuch as the said offices in most parts of this kingdom, and especially in such places as are for the most part inhabited by papists, are placed in the hands of persons of the popish religion, who in favour to such as are of their own persuasion, and by the instigation and authority of the popish priests, do neglect to execute warrants, by means of which the many good and wholesome laws against notorious criminals, and especially against papists, have not the intended effects, from the 24th day of June, 1715 no person of the popish religion shall be high constable in any county, barony, or half-barony, or petty constable in any manor, ward, parish, constable-wick, or place within this kingdom.

2 Geo I c.10 (1715):
An Act to Restrain Papists from being High or Petty Constables,...
Sec. 2. Every person to be appointed high or petty constable shall first take the oath of abjuration and other oaths and declaration required by 2 Ann c. 6, as well as the oath of office of constable as set forth in section 7 hereof.

2 Geo I c.10 (1715):
An Act to Restrain Papists from being High or Petty Constables,...
Sec 3. And whereas in many places of this kingdom the number of the papists do far exceed the protestants, whereby the office of constable will become very burdensome to the protestants, in 1717 and yearly thereafter, if believed expedient, the constables shall return a true list of all the popish and protestant inhabitants within their respective places where they serve; and thereupon the respective juries shall present the number of constables necessary and the names and number of papists and of those protestants who are able to serve as high and petty constables; and shall annually applot upon such papists such proportion of no more than 10 pounds for the office of high constable, and no more than 4 pounds for petty constable, as the proportion of able papists bears to the number of protestants; to be annually collected by and paid to the protestant constables from such papists.

2 Geo I c.10 (1715):
An Act to Restrain Papists from being High or Petty Constables,...
Sec. 7. Although in times of peace papists as well as protestants may be watchmen, yet in times of danger watchmen should be of the protestant religion; thus whenever it shall seem necessary to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor of this kingdom, that the parish watches shall be kept by protestant watchmen only, warrants shall issue to the several high and petty constables requiring them to settle protestants, and none other to be watchmen in their several parishes, and as often as it shall come to the turn of the papists to watch, such papists shall provide protestants, to be approved of by one or more justice of the peace residing within such parish; and for default thereof the said justices are required to appoint protestants to serve in the stead of such papists, and to issue their warrants for the levying by distress and sale of the goods of such papists in whose turns such protestants shall serve, 12 pence for each night to be paid to such protestants as shall watch in the turn of such papists.

2 Geo I c.10 (1715):
An Act to Restrain Papists from being High or Petty Constables,...
Sec. 7 cont. The justices of the peace shall administer the oath of office to high and petty constables, in which they swear to serve the king in the office of constable, cause the peace to be well kept, arrest all papists bearing arms without licence, arrest all papists as commit any riot or meet on patron days to perform the superstitious devotions of the church of Rome, likewise all papists who unlawfully assemble or commit any other breach of the peace; use their best endeavours to apprehend all traitors, all popish archbishops, regular clergy, unregistered secular clergy etc. and all popish schoolmasters, and all harbourers of them; suppress all riots and apprehend all rioters, and if any such offender makes resistance, raise the hue and cry; endeavour that the watches of the parish be regularly kept, and that the statutes for punishing rogues and vagabonds be executed; have a watchful eye to any common house where unlawful game is used, as also to such as shall frequent such places; execute all warrants directed from the justices of the peace and all other things belonging to the office of constable; and truly account for public money collected pursuant to any warrant.

2 Geo I c.19 (1715):
An Act for the more effectual preventing fraudulent conveyances ... for electing members to serve in Parliament; ...
Sec. 7. No papist shall give his vote in the election of knights, citizens, or burgesses to serve in any parliament, unless he shall take the oaths of allegiance and abjuration at least 6 months before the election, and on the election day again, if required by the sheriff, one of the candidates, or any elector..
And any papist who votes without giving such oaths shall forfeit 100 pounds, one half to his Majesty, one half to the informer.

4 Geo I c.9 (1717):
An act for reviving, continuing, and amending several Statues ...
Sec. 1-2, 4. The act of 14 Charles II, ch 13 for encouraging protestant strangers to inhabit the kingdom of Ireland is revived and made permanent, other than the clause exempting them from payment of excise, providing such stranger shall take the usual oaths and declaration.. Such protestant strangers that bring any expence along with them shall be freed from corporation taxes, and freed from serving in corporation offices for 7 years.

4 Geo I c.15 (1717):
An Act for the better regulating the town of Gallway (sic)...
Sec 1. Whereas the protestant interest and security of Connaught depend upon the fidelity of the inhabitants of Galway, yet for several years a design hath been formed in Galway by the magistrates and governing part of the corporation to support a popish and discourage the protestant interest; nunneries and other places of refuge for illegal clergy have been connived at; and great numbers of papists by notorious neglect of the magistrates have been permitted to inhabit the town, contrary to law; by reason of which a sufficient number of protestant freeholders cannot be found to try offenders against the several acts against papists, whereby a great number of popish priests etc frequently land from foreign parts and find opportunities to disperse themselves into all other parts of this kingdom; and whereas the mayor and recorder, have formed a common council which carries on their evil design, from the 25th day of December 1717, protestant freeholders residing anywhere in the entire county of Galway may be called to serve on the juries within the town of Galway.

4 Geo I c.15 (1717):
An Act for the better regulating the town of Gallway (sic)...
Sec. 5-6. All persons who profess themselves of any trade or handy craft that shall reside in Galway shall be free of the town and corporation and exempted from corporation taxes for 7 years from arrival. Provided that no persons are to have the benefit of their freedoms aforesaid unless they have been professed protestants for 7 years or upwards, and shall take the usual oaths of freemen, and also the oaths of allegiance, and supremacy and abjuration and subscribe the declaration against transubstantiation .

4 Geo I c.16 (1717):
An Act for the better regulating the Corporation of the City of Kilkenny,...
Sec. 1 Whereas for several years past there has been a design formed to support a popish and Jacobite interest in the city of Kilkenny in support of the pretender and for the encouragement of rebellion, in pursuance of which many illegal practices have been used to procure persons disaffected to the king to be admitted into the government and offices of the city, to pervert public justice, and especially to render prosecutions against papists and other enemies to the government ineffectual, certain named individuals are removed from the corporation, and other acts are taken against them.

6 Geo I c.3 (1719):
An Act for continuing ... an Act to make the Militia ... more useful
Sec.1 and 4. The act of 2 Geo I c.9 is continued for 2 more years. The justices of the peace, upon presentment of the grand jury may if they see fit charge upon the popish inhabitants of the county a sum, not exceeding 20 shillings sterling. for the refreshment of each troop of militia who shall attend the exercises on each day appointed, to be applotted equally on all such popish inhabitants.

6 Geo I c.5 (1719):
An Act for exempting the Protestant Dissenters of this Kingdom from certain Penalties,...
Sec. 13. Nothing in this act on behalf of protestant dissenters shall extend to give any ease of advantage to any person professing the popish religion, nor to any person who shall deny the doctrine of the blessed Trinity.

6 Geo I c.6 (1719):
An Act to prevent Delays in Writs of Error, and for the further Amendments of the Law
Sec. 16. Whereas some doubt hath arisen whether the children of popish parents who by the permission of their parents have been bred protestants are to be reckoned as protestants, or converts, all children of popish parents who have been brought up in the protestant religion from the age of 12 and have received the Lord's Supper in the Church of Ireland by Law established, shall be deemed protestants and enjoy all the rights and privileges of protestants.

6 George I c. 6 (1719):
An Act to prevent Delays in Writs of Error, and for the further Amendments of the Law
Sec. 17. Provided if such children after age 18 declare themselves of the communion of the Church of Rome, or be present at Matins or Vespers, they shall be liable to such penalties as converted papists relapsing to popery.

6 Geo I c.10 (1719):
An Act for the better regulating the Parish Watches, ...
Sec. 5. Whenever it shall seem necessary to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor of this kingdom, that the parish watches shall be kept by protestant watchmen only, warrants shall issue to the several high and petty constables requiring them to settle protestants, and none other to be watchmen in their several parishes, and as often as it shall come to the turn of the papists to watch, such papists shall provide protestants, to be approved of by one or more justice of the peace residing within such parish; and for default thereof the said justices are required to appoint protestants to serve in the stead of sch papists, and to issue their warrants for the levying by distress and sale of the goods of such papists in whose turns such protestants shall serve, 12 pence for each night to be paid to such protestants as shall watch in the turn of such papists.

10 Geo I c.3 (1723):
An Act for continuing and amending... an Act for the better regulating the Parish Watches...
Sec. 5. No person keeping publick inns, ale-houses, or houses of entertainment, or papists, shall be qualified to act as constables, but shall at their turn find some fit person who is Protestant to serve in their stead, or pay a sum not more than 5 pounds to enable the parishioners to fit such fit person.

10 Geo I c.6 ( 1723):
An Act for explaining and amending ... an Act for real Union and Division of Parishes;...
Sec. 2. Whereas by the act of 2 Geo I c.14, the consent of the parishioners or the major part of them is necessary to the ordering new churches to be built in more convenient places, and in divers parishes great numbers of the inhabitants are of the popish religion, who by refusing to consent to the building new churches, greatly obstruct the execution of the said act, the consent of the protestant parishioners of such parish shall be a sufficient consent.

12 Geo I c.3 (1725):
An Act to prevent Marriages by degraded Clergymen and Popish Priests, ...
Sec. 1. Any popish priest or person pretending to be a clergyman who shall celebrate marriage between two protestants, or a protestant and a papist, shall be guilty of felony and suffer death.

12 Geo I c.3 (1725):
An Act to prevent Marriages by degraded Clergymen and Popish Priests, ...
Sec. 2-3. And any two justices of the peace may summon any person suspected of having been married by a popish priest or to have been present at such a marriage to appear and be examined under oath where and by what persons, and with what ceremonies such marriage was celebrated, and what religion the persons so married professed, and who was present at the marriage. Failure to respond shall be punishable by three years in the common gaol, unless they submit to be examined sooner and enter into a recognizance to appear at the next assizes to prosecute such persons as shall appear by the examination to have offended contrary to this act.

12 Geo I c.9 (1725):
An Act for the more effectual erecting and better regulating of Free Schools, ...
Sec. 7-8: For preventing papists having it in their power to obstruct the rebuilding and repairing churches for divine worship,no inhabitant of any parish being a papist, shall be capable of giving their vote at any vestry to be held for the purposes aforesaid. Such money as shall be agreed upon for building and repairing of churches shall be levied by warrant under the hands of two justices of the peace by the church wardens, by distress and sale of the goods of the persons refusing or neglecting to pay the sums applotted on them.

1 Geo II c.9 (1727):
An Act for the further regulating the Election of Members of Parliament; ...
Sec. 7. No papist, though not convicted as such, shall be intitled to vote at the election of any member to serve in parliament, or at the election of any magistrate for any city or other town corporate.

1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 1. Every person who shall apply to be called to the bar, or be admitted as an attorney, or practice as a solicitor, or act as an officer of the court, shall first take and subscribe the oaths of allegiance and abjuration and the declaration against transubstantiation.
And every such person who has converted from the popish to the protestant religion must prove before the lord chancellor and another like chief justice by a sufficient witness upon oath, that he has been a protestant for two years immediately before.

1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 2. Every person who shall be called to the bar, etc. who shall be converted from the popish to the protestant religion, shall educate in the protestant religion according to the Church of Ireland as by law established, all their children under the age of fourteen years. And all converts from the popish to the protestant religion shall in like manner educate all their children who at the time of their conversion shall be under the age of 14 years.

1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 3. Any convert from the popish to the protestant religion who shall after the time of their conversion, permit their children to be educated in the popish religion shall be liable to all the disabilities of papists.

1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 4-5. No person shall be capable of acting as a subsheriff or sheriff's clerk, who has not been a protestant for five years before acting, on pain of being subject to all the disabilities of persons professing the popish religion; provided nothing herein contained shall extend to any solicitor who has heretofore been judged to be comprehended within the articles of Limerick or Galway.

1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 6. If any protestant permit his children under the age of 14 years to be educated in the popish religion, such protestant shall be subject to all the disabilities of papists.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec 1. Whereas the laws now in force against popish solicitors have been found ineffectual by reason of the difficulty of convicting such solicitors, and the mischiefs thereby intended to be remedied still remain, to the great prejudice of the protestant interest of this kingdom; and whereas by the means of such popish solicitors the acts against the growth of popery have been and daily are greatly eluded and evaded, for remedy whereof and for preventing obscure and ignorant persons from practising as attorneys or solicitors, no person shall be permitted to practise in any of the Four Courts in Dublin who is not licensed.
Source :

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec. 2. No person may be admitted as an attorney or licensed as a solicitor who has not been a protestant from 14 years of age, or for two years prior to being admitted as an apprentice; and every person so to be admitted shall, at the time of his admission,, take all the oaths and subscribe the declaration required of persons to be admitted into offices by the statute intitled An Act to prevent the further growth of popery, together with the oath hereinafter particularly mentioned.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec.4. Every master in chancery, six clerk of the court of chancery, barrister-at-law, attorney, solicitor, officer of the Four Courts in Dublin, to be licensed by this act shall take an oath, inter alia, not to employ as apprentice, clerk or solicitor, any person of the popish religion.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec. 5. Any popish solicitor found to have acted as a solicitor shall be punished as for contempt of court by fine of not more than 50 pounds nor less than 25 pounds, or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec. 6. And for the more easy conviction of such disqualified solicitor, every person shall be deemed a solicitor who, not being qualified, draws up pleadings or abbreviates evidence for use in any suit, or takes on the management of any suit in the Four Courts in which he is not a party or concerned in the interest.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec 7. Whereas some protestants, well affected to his Majesty's government, have for some time practised as solicitors, those shall be permitted to practise if they obtain a personal written permission from the sitting lord chancellor, the master of the rolls, or baron of the Exchequers, register this as a licence, and take the usual oaths and declaration.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec. 10. Provided that solicitors comprehended by the articles of Limerick who have taken the oath of abjuration are exempt, so as such person may not keep more than one popish clerk.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec. 12-13. Any barrister, attorney, six-clerk, or solicitor ( such solicitors as were comprehended within the articles of Limerick excepted) who marries a popish wife, or permits his children to be educated in the popish religion shall be deemed a papist and disabled from practice, unless within one year he shall procure the conversion of his wife to the protestant religion. Provided such disability shall cease after the death of such popish wife.

7 Geo II c.5 (1733):
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; ...
Sec. 17-18. No one may practise as a solicitor in the lower courts who is not qualified hereunder in the Four Courts in Dublin, except that such persons may practise in any suit or prosecution for a crime punishable by death.

7 Geo II c.6 (1733):
An Act to prevent Persons converted from the Popish to the Protestant Religion, ... from acting as Justices of the Peace.
Sec. 1. No convert from the popish to the protestant religion shall be capable of acting as a justice of the peace if his wife is papist, or if he causes his children under the age of 16 years to be educated in the popish religion.
And if such a person does act as a justice of the peace, such person shall suffer one year's imprisonment, and forfeit one hundred pounds, half to his Majesty, and half to the informer, and henceforth such person shall be forever incapable of being an executor, administrator, or guardian.

9 Geo II ch 3 (1735):
An Act for the better regulating of Juries
Sec 1 and 13. No person shall serve on a jury in the Four Courts or before a justice of the peace or of assize (except in cities and towns) who shall not have a freehold of value of 5 pounds per year, or, being protestant, shall not be possessed of a lease of which not less than 10 years remains, or of 61 years on which a profit rent of not less than 15 pounds per year shall accrue to the lessee. Nothing in this act shall qualify any person of the popish religion to serve on a jury which any other act renders him incapable of so serving.

9 Geo II c.6 (1735):
An Act for continuing and amending several Statutes now near expiring
Sec. 5. Any person suffering loss by robberies committed by privateers during time of war with any popish state or prince may have reimbursement levied on the lands, goods, and chattels of all popish inhabitants of the county where such robbery shall be committed.

9 Geo II c.11 (1735):
An Act for the more effectual preventing clandestine Marriages
Sec. 1 and 6 . Whereas the several laws made to prevent clandestine marriages have proved ineffectual; and notwithstanding the penalties laid on those, who celebrate such marriages, many persons under age who are intitled to considerable fortunes, are frequently married without the consent of their parents or guardians to the great prejudice of many families; and protestants frequently intermarrying with papists, whereby the popish interest and religion are increased and propagated: no minister in any church or chapel shall publish the banns of matrimony between any persons, whereof one is of the protestant and the other of the popish religion, on pain of ecclesiastical censure as for celebrating a clandestine marriage.

9 Geo II c.25 (1735):
An Act for ... providing for and educating Foundling Children
Sec.17 and 20: The work-house in Cork shall receive all exposed or foundling children in Cork and the liberties thereof and take due care that they be nursed, clad, and taught to read and write, and thoroughly instructed in the principles of the protestant religion. .And whereas many of the children exposed in the streets of Dublin and Cork are of popish parents, and many of such children, by access of their parents and popish relations, who notwithstanding all possible care to prevent it, find means to converse with them, are prevented from embracing the protestant religion, the governours of the work-houses of Dublin and Cork may exchange children.

11 Geo II c.7 (1737):
An Act for ... preventing the Enlisting of His Majesty's Subjects to serve as Soldiers in foreign Service ...
Sec. 3. No papist or reputed papist may serve as a juror upon the trial of any offender against this act (which forbids on pain of death the enlisting or inducing enlistment in any foreign army.)

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 1, 9, 11-13. All justices of the peace, magistrates, and chief officers of cities and towns are ordered to make yearly searches for arms pursuant to 7 Will III c.5 , and all papists shall discover and deliver up all arms, armour, and ammunition which are in their possession or power, notwithstanding any licence for keeping the same heretofore granted, before the 1st day of July 1740; and all papists shall forever thereafter, within 14 days of getting arms etc, deliver them up, except such arms as the chief governors shall by licence authorize. Procedures established to ensure enforcement by the public officials. Exceptions for those covered by articles of Limerick and Galway.

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 2: The penalties for keeping arms or failing to disclose the same are increased for a first offence for peers to 300 pounds sterling, for non-peers, 50 pounds.. The fines go half to the king, half to the informer.

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 3, 5. No penalty shall be extended to any papist who shall voluntarily, before any information is given, deliver up his or her arms, nor upon any confession he or she shall make upon oath, unless for wilful perjury.

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 6-8, 10. Refusal to take the usual oaths and declaration shall amount to full proof that such person is a papist; provided that, even though the person shall take the said oaths and declaration, yet evidence may be given that the person prosecuted was a papist at the time of the offence. Oaths not required of Quakers. And if any person convicted under the act serve the prison term rather than pay the fine, the informer shall receive 10 pounds, levied on the popish inhabitants of the county.
Source :

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 13 Papists are also forbidden to keep or sell war-like stores, sword blades, barrels, locks, or stocks of guns, on penalty of 20 pounds and imprisonment for one year and until he or she shall have paid the forfeiture; the money so recovered shall go to the person who shall sue for the same.

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 14. Where any protestant servant, by the direction or privity of his master, being a papist, shall carry or keep arms, both master and servant shall be subject to the penalties inflicted by this act.
Source :

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ...disarming Papists.
Sec. 15. All prosecutions under this act to be commenced within one year of the offence.

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 16. All persons professing the protestant religion who shall educate any of their children under the age of 14 in the popish religion, shall be deemed a papist for the purposes of this act.

13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ... disarming Papists.
Sec. 19. The act of 7 Will III c.5 so far as unaltered by this or some other act, shall be deemed perpetual.
Source :

19 Geo II c.7 (1745) :
An Act for the more effectual preventing his Majesty's Subjects from entering into foreign Service, ...
Sec. 1. Any subject of the kingdom of Ireland who shall, after the eighth day of October 1745, serve in the military of the King of France or Spain shall after the 25th day of March be disabled from holding or acquiring any lands or money or personal property or interest in the same, which real or personal estate may be sued for and recovered by any Protestant informer in the manner provided by the statute of 8 Anne c3.

19 Geo II c.7 (1745):
An Act for the more effectual preventing his Majesty's Subjects from entering into foreign Service, ...
Sec. 6. The statute of 7 Will. III, c.4 is to be read at all assizes etc.

19 Geo II c.11 (1745):
An Act for the better regulating Elections of Members of Parliament
Sec. 4 and 7. Every freeholder before voting, if required by one of the candidates or other , voter, shall take an oath, which includes the following language: "...I am not a Papist, or married to a Papist, nor do I educate, or suffer to be educated, any of my children under the age of fourteen in the popish religion." A convert may swear that he has not married a popish wife since his conversion. Any person who swears falsely under this act shall be liable to the penalties for wilful perjury.

19 Geo II c.13 (1745):
An Act for annulling all Marriages to be celebrated by any Popish Priest between Protestant and Protestant, or between Protestant and Papist, ...
Sec. 1. Every marriage celebrated after the 1st day of May, 1746, between a papist and any person who has been a protestant within twelve months before such celebration of marriage, or between two protestants if celebrated by a popish priest, shall be absolutely null and void.

21 Geo II c.10 (1747):
An Act to amend and make more effectual... an Act for the better regulating Elections of Members to serve in Parliament ...
Sec. 3. Before voting, every person shall take the following oath:
I, A.B., do solemnly and truly affirm, that I am a freeholder... of the clear yearly value of 10 pounds, or of 40 shillings (as the case shall happen to be) ... and that I am not a papist, or married to a papist, and that I do not educate or suffer to be educated, any of my children under the age of 14 years in the popish religion. So help me God.

21 Geo II c.10 (1747):
An Act to amend and make more effectual ... an Act for the better regulating Elections of Members to serve in Parliament ...
Sec. 6. Any voter who was papist and has conformed to the Church of Ireland as by law established and shall tender his vote at any election for members to serve in parliament, may omit the words "I am not married to a papist" and substitute "I was educated in the popish religion, and have conformed to the Church of Ireland as by law established, and have not since my conformity married a popish wife".

21 Geo II c.10 (1747):
An Act to amend and make more effectual ... an Act for the better regulating Elections of Members to serve in Parliament ...
Sec. 8. Whereas many towns corporate, not being cities, have been obliged for want of protestant inhabitants resident within such towns, to elect non-residents into the corporate offices, despite the letter of their respective charters, causing controversies whereby the peace and good government of such corporations may be interrupted, it shall be made lawful for duly elected persons to hold such offices as if they were residents.

23 Geo II c.10 (1749):
An Act for explaining ... Act[s] ... for the more effectual preventing clandestine Marriages ...
Sec. 3. Every popish priest who celebrates any marriage between a protestant and a papist or between 2 protestants shall be guilty of a felony, even though the marriage be null and void.

29 Geo II c.5 (1755):
An Act to prohibit the Return... of such of his Majesty's Subjects ... the Service of the French King.
Sec. 1-3. Every natural born subject who is or hereafter becomes an officer, soldier or mariner in the service of the French King, who shall land in Ireland, and every person who harbours the same, shall be guilty of felony without benefit of clergy, unless, by 1 August 1756, he surrender himself to a justice of the peace, and at the next assize or quarter session take the oaths of allegiance and abjuration.

29 Geo II c.5 (1755):
An Act to prohibit the Return... of such of his Majesty's Subjects ... the Service of the French King.
Sec 4. Provided that such return and taking of oaths etc. shall not restore any forfeited lands, money, goods, or estate already recovered by any protestant discoverer.

29 Geo II c.6 (1755):
An Act for better regulating Juries.
Sec. 1. No person shall be qualified to serve as a juror that shall not be seized of a freehold of a yearly value of 10 pounds, or if a protestant only, possess a leasehold of which 15 years or more is unexpired, or leases of 61 years or more with a clear profit rent of not less than 15 pounds.

29 Geo II c.6 (1755):
An Act for better regulating Juries.
Sec. 12. No papist may serve on any jury in the trial of any suit between a protestant and a papist, and any challenge to such a juror being papist shall be allowed.

31 Geo II c.9 (1759):
An Act for reviving, continuing, and amending several temporary Statutes
Sec. 1 The act of 8 Ann c.3 so far as it relates to the encouragement to popish priests becoming protestants, shall be revived and continued in force for 11 years.
