The Ninth Year of George II. - Chap. XXV.


A.D. 1735

An Act for rebuilding the Cathedral Church of St. Finbarry in the City of Cork, and for erecting a Work-house in the City of Cork for employing and maintaining the Poor, punishing of Vagabonds, and providing for and educating Foundling Children.

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XVII. And whereas the exposed or foundling children, left yearly on the several parishes in the said city of Cork, and the suburbs and liberties thereof, are very numerous, and do frequently perish for want of due care and provision for them: be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That as soon as


the said work-house shall be so built as aforesaid, the governours of the said work-house shall receive from the church-wardens of the respective parishes of the said city and liberties thereof all the exposed or foundling children, that shall then be in the said city or liberties, and from thence forward the said governours shall also receive from the church-wardens of the said parishes every child, that shall be thereafter exposed and found in the streets of the said city and liberties, which shall be left to be maintained by any parish or parishes in the said city and liberties; and the said governour shall take due care to have all such exposed and foundling children, nursed, clad, and taught to read and write, and thoroughly instructed in the principles of the protestant religion; and as the male children shall be severally fit and capable, such male children shall be taught and instructed in such trades or callings, as the said governours in their general court of assembly shall direct and appoint, and shall be severally employed in such trade and callings within the said house, until they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one years; at which age they shall be severally discharged from their service, and receive a certificate under the common seal of the said corporation, notifying his or their having been brought up and educated in the said house, and his and their having been instructed in such trade or possession, as he and they have been taught; and on his and their producing the said certificate, and taking such oaths as the law shall direct he and they shall be a freeman and freemen in the said city of Cork of the corporation, in which trade or calling he or they had been instructed, and have such and the same privileges, as any other freeman or freemen of such corporation in the said city, have or can enjoy.

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XX. And whereas many of the foundling children exposed in the streets of the city of Dublin and Cork are of popish parents, and it has been found by experience, that many of such foundling children, by access of their parents and popish relations, who notwithstanding all possible care to prevent it, find means to converse with them, are prevented from embracing the protestant religion: for remedy thereof, be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the governours of the work-houses of the city of Dublin and Cork to exchange the children, which they shall have in their respective work-houses, or to send foundling children from one of the said work-houses to the other, as often, and in such manner, as the said governor shall agree upon and find convenient.

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