The Tenth Year of George I. - Chap. III.


A.D. 1723

An Act for continuing and amending an Act, intituled, An Act for the better

regulating the Parish Watches, and amending the High Ways in this Kingdom; and for the preventing the Misapplication of Publick Money: and also for

establishing a regular Watch in the City of Dublin; and to prevent Mischiefs

which may happen by Graving Ships in the River Lissey.

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P. 90

V. Provided always, That no person or persons keeping publick inns, ale-houses, or houses of entertainment, or papists, shall be qualified to act in their persons as constables; but in case any such shall be chosen in their turn to serve as constables as aforesaid, such person or persons so chosen shall find some fit person or persons, who shall be protestants, to serve in his or their room, to be approved of by the lord mayor, and two of the aldermen as aforesaid, or pay as a fine a sum not exceeding the sum of five pounds respectively, to be ascertained by the lord mayor for the time being, to enable the parishioners, or the major part of them assembled for that purpose, to find a fit person in the stead of each of them, who shall be so chosen to serve as constables; which sums shall be levied and recovered by distress and sale of the offenders goods in manner aforesaid, and be applied as aforesaid.