Ruby Darrow to IL-NUOVO-MONDO, Oct 4, 1930
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To the "IL-NUOVO-MONDO"––––
1 East 10-th Street–––––
New York City, ––N.Y.–––––
To Miss "Peggy Tucker" and –
Management –––––
Yours to Mr. Darrow just received, and this is sent for him to express his sincere regret that he can not possibly accept your kind invitation, etc. --- ---- Mr. Darrow and I will leave here October 9-th for a loop of engagements through the north-west, lasting several weeks, - so your event is just one more that will have to be omitted from a list of hopes and disappointments for all sides that care, say. I have just sent a telegram to Bar Association in New York City, also banqueting on the 16-th, regretting that the departure has been changed to an earlier date, so that Mr. Darrow will not be able to be in New York among the friends of that profession.
Thanks, of course, for the compliment, and better luck another time, perhaps.
Sincerely, with best wishes, etc. -----
Clarence --- and ----
(Mrs. C.) Ruby Darrow
1 East 10-th Street–––––
New York City, ––N.Y.–––––
To Miss "Peggy Tucker" and –
Management –––––
Yours to Mr. Darrow just received, and this is sent for him to express his sincere regret that he can not possibly accept your kind invitation, etc. --- ---- Mr. Darrow and I will leave here October 9-th for a loop of engagements through the north-west, lasting several weeks, - so your event is just one more that will have to be omitted from a list of hopes and disappointments for all sides that care, say. I have just sent a telegram to Bar Association in New York City, also banqueting on the 16-th, regretting that the departure has been changed to an earlier date, so that Mr. Darrow will not be able to be in New York among the friends of that profession.
Thanks, of course, for the compliment, and better luck another time, perhaps.
Sincerely, with best wishes, etc. -----
Clarence --- and ----
(Mrs. C.) Ruby Darrow