The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection
Written letter from Clarence Darrow collection
Collage of Clarence Darrow at different ages Postcard from Clarence Darrow Collection

Clarence Darrow Signature

The Clarence Darrow Letters

Samuel Moore to Ruby Darrow, June 3, 1939

Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.

Hon. Mrs. Clarence R. Darrow.

#1435 E. 60th St. St. George Hotel.

Chicago. Ill.

6- 3rd 1939.

Honorable Madam:—

Your letter of May 27th received. and greatly appreciated. As I had been very anxious over your going to the Hospital for that exploratory operation. I not knowing what the probable ailment was feared Cancer. And I was fearful all the more by not hearing from you earlier. But now it is alright from that angle at least. But the trend of you letter has again caused further icy apprehensions. You seems to feel so desolate and miserable over the sad event of (15) months ago.that you are contemplating the one out that I must beg of you to abandon as it is within reasonable expectation that I may get out again. And should such be the case I intends to work for you without pay. and shall try with all my servant power to get you away from such morbid thoughts. And if you executed such an act you would be doing me an awful infury as I have no friend on earth But you. and then I will be in darkness. for ever as far as friends are concern. Surely if I can live

and suffer as I do every hour. and has did for years. You can bear with your great lonliness a little longer and you will never know how miserable I am that i cannot do any thing to lighten the burden of One that did so much for me. I am I believe about as miserable as it is possible for a human being to get and yet live. I was very pleased to learn that Marie had proven her loyalty and affections by making frequent calls on you and taking you from yourself (sot to speak) If I a servant would be allowed to suggest a thought-that-occurs to me I would recommend that you move away from that neighborhood (Jackson Park) that recalls memories of happier days. Why not adopt some little "Tot" about four (4) years old I believe this would eventually take your mind off of your loniness. I am geting together all the favorable data I can and wonders if you have the promise of Atty Gen. Sargents to release me by commutation if I behaved a year on parole? I behaved 4 1/2 yrs. all thats good in me goes out in wishes for your health and happiness from your proud to be Servant. PO Box 1733. Atlanta, Ga

Samuel Moore. 22.