Paul Darrow to Irving Stone, November 1, 1941
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Dear Irving:
I am glad to get your letter of October 29th and am sorry I have not written you earlier but am enclosing several letters which were written before I received this. Two of them I wrote in the summer: the one which Arthur Hayes suggested and I held up as I told you until I had a chance to read the book, the other one although dated on the 4th was written about a week ago but I did not like to send it until I had a chance to cool off.
Now comes your letter of the 29th and indicates you think I should not have been surprised at the book because of what you told me in the summer. It is true you said there would be things I would not like. It is true I shad I expected it but I did not expect so many:
I do not like the inference that one of my children was his favorite.
I do not like
many of the stories and remarks you credit to him.
I do not liked many of the references you have made about Ruby buying clothes in some one else's name, painting the carpet, etc.
I do not like the frequent references to various women who attracted him.
I do not like the careless inaccuracies, as for example, the reference to John Brown who was hanged when Father was two years old.
I do not like many of your references to my Mother.
Whether things like the above are helpful in getting a good picture of my Father, even if they are true, I am, of course, unable to say. Like my Mother I never claimed to be one of the intellectuals. I knew them.
I had not intended to go into this detail until receiving our letter of October 29th because these criticisms are not important and are forgotten in the fine, clear picture you have painted of him.
I haven't asked Judge Wilson what the world thinks of the book but I have heard from many of the family and close friends of Father's and without exception the book made them angry -- the closer the friendship the angrier they are.