Paul Darrow to Irving Stone, February 22, 1940
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February 22, 1940.
Dear Irving:
I have been trying to figure out the answer to your letter of the 16th Inst but cannot remember anything of this period.
In June 1896 Mother and I went to Europe and stayed until Fall. We came back to Sharon, Pa., where we stayed all winter and I went to school. We came back to Chgo in March 1897. This whole period to 1900 or after is only familiar to me for what i did and where I went to school.
Part of that time Judge Francis S. Wilson lived with him in the Landon Apartment Bldg - near Hull House. Also I think he was a partner about that time. If you care to write him his address is #30 North Michigan Av, Chgo.
I feel sure that William O. Thompson (now Hotel Warwick, New York City) was a partner at this time. If you would write him I believe he would give you what you need.
Also I think Morris St. P. Thomas (now 100 West Monroe St., Chicago) was a partner during this period.
The style of the firm around 1900 was Darrow, Thomas A. Thompson.
I think Miss Gertrude Barnum could probably give you as much information about this period as anyone. I think she lived at the Langdon apartments or at Hull House during this time. She now lives in California but I do not have her address. I would suggest you write her a letter in care of her brother - Harry H. Barnum, 105 West Adams St., Chicago and I am satisfied he will forward it. I think she lives in one of the Los Angeles suburbs and you could probably find it to advantage to see her.
I think he ran for Congress during this time and was defeated. He also ran for the State Legislature and was elected.
I am sorry I do not have the information you need. I think I can do better on almost any other period. At any rate I hope you will write me the next time you get stuck and I''ll try.
It's been a long time since we have had hot sunshine.
Best wishes.
Commercial Paper
Collateral Loans
170 West Adams St., Chicago
Telephone Randolph 5432
October 13, 1937
RECEIVED, of Mr. Paul E. Darrow, the following stock
to apply on his $6000. collateral loan, due January 6th,
A457007 — 30 shs. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company Common Stock.
n/o David A. Noyes & Co.
A4600260 — 75 shs. " "
Frank G. Wright & Co.
By J.T. Hunter