A. George Spannon to Paul Darrow, August 11, 1938 Re: A. George Spannon to Paul Darrow, July 22, 1938
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SUITE 2804-2808
August 11, 1938
Mr. Paul Darrow 100 West Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois
In re: James T. Kleoris Trust Fund
deposit with First National Bank
Dear Mr. Darrow:
Attached hereto please find letter ad-
Dressed to you by the chairman of the com-
Mittee in charge of the funds raised for
the purpose of freeing James T. Kleoris
from the Joliet Penitentiary, requesting
you to pay to us the sum of $35.00 from
the fund now in the First National Bank,
to defray cost of litigation instituted
against George P. Chiagouris, the person
who collected the money from you, which
suit is now pending in the Circuit Court
of Cook County, case No. 38Clll47.
Thanking you for this courtesy, we
Yours truly,
by A George Spannon
July 22nd, 1938
Mr. Paul Darrow, Trustee
100 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
In re: James T. Kleoris trust fund in
deposit with 1st National Bank
Dear Sir:
This is to advise you that I, Mike Pappas, the under-
signed,am the chairman of the committee selected by the contri-
butors to the fund referred to herinabove.
As you recall, some time in 1928 my committee, under
my chairmanship, deposited with your late father the sum of
$2,500.00, to be held in trust for the purpose of retaining an
attorney to free from tbe penetentiary one James T. Kleoris,
which fund, later, your Dad turned over to you.
I presume you also recall that since the deposit of the
funds with you, one George P. Chiagouris, without the knowledge
or consent of the committee, tbe contributors or myself, has ob-
tained from you various sums totalling $2,850.00.
Not long ago, our attorneys, Armstrong & Spannon, visited
with you at the office of Mr. Smith, 77 West Washington Street,
and it was through our attorneys that we learned, for the first
time, that Mr. Chiagouris obtained from you the sum of $2,850.00;
and we are also informed that in said account in the First National
Bank, there is still a balance of, approximately, $35.00 or $40.00.
In view of the fact that I have been instructed by the
contributors and my committee to institute litigation against
George P. Chiagouris, for the recovery of said sum of money, I
vronder if you would be kind enough to issue a check in the sum of
$35.00, payable to Armstrong & Spannon, attorneys, in order that
they may pay the necessary court costs in such litigation.
Whatever balance may be in the account , I wish that it
remain there, so that we can have use of the bank books for evidence
at the time of the trial, in order to show the various withdrawals
made by you, and the payment of such withdrnwals to the said George
P. Chiagouris.
Thanking ou for this courtesy, I am, Sir,
Yours very truly,
Mike Pappas
Chairman of Committee