Hubert Darrow to Unknown, July 14, 1884
In addition to Clarence, Mary Darrow had five brothers: Edward Everett, Channing, Hubert, Herman, and Herbert. It is not known if this letter was written to Everett, Channing, or Herman. (Herbert died in 1857).
Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.
Standard Books
Albany, July 14, 1884
Dear Brother:
I answered your card at once to let you know my position in regard to buying goods. Everything is selling low now at auction and I should not dare to invest. Can buy cheap however. Then again I expect to leave here soon perhaps in 2 weeks. Still I could buy and ship goods for the coming month but hardly think it best. I am for Cleveland [?] because as Gen. Bragg says "I love him for the enemies he has made. I have been reading the Chinese Tribune "Sun" and "herald" also "Puck" & "Harpers" and I am surely
a p
a Cleveland man