Jennie Darrow Moore to Helen Kelchner Darrow, August 19, 1923
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1365 E. 6th St.
Aug. 19/23
Dear Helen -
Your letter of July 22 d was interesting to a number of people, first myself, then Jessie and Mary, and last of all Carrie. The latter in quires about you almost every week. Carrie has quite a sense of humour and no good joke escapes her, and she laughed and laughed over the Catalogue as
"E.E." designates them.
We are all an admiring class of relatives when it comes to hearing about the colossal dressmaking stunts you have pulled off. The sewing of three seams gives me a combination head and back-ache and I suppose I put as much agony in it as you would in the construction of these gowns. Yes everything I bought in New York has been a success.
There hasn't been a garment left unworn. The voiledress-skirt which you so dextrously changed at the belt has been a practical golf skirt. The gray coat was one of the best buys I made. Every on admires it, and I have been so thankful I bought it for it is just what I need for school this fall. Both the pink and the white dresses have been very useful this summer for the weather has been hot and I have needed light clothes, at least half the time. I stocked my wardrobe so well in New York that I have needed to buy very little in Chicago.
- a middy blouse, a white dress Skirt and a pair of golf shoes - are about all. We have had what I call a mean summer, hot and sticky. A week ago last Friday and Saturday evenings we had tow of the worst electrical storms I have ever witnessed. In fact they were so bad, I was really sick by Sunday. Both nights I had to take all movable articles out of the sun parlor, it poured in almost by bucketsfull. An old awning on the west side
of back porch was blown into ribbons. Trees all over the city were uprouted. For four days the first three, holes of the golf links was a good-sized lake. A number of water birds blew in with the storm, sand-pipers stayed around until the
water had evaporated. I notice the temperature in New York has been a decent one for the last two weeks.
This morning the wind whipped to the north and I feel quite refreshed after a hot, sticky night.
Mrs. Benders returned yesterday after a three weeks visit in Newcastle where she left her mother to be taken care of by her brothers. Mr. Benders seems about as well as he ever was. Clarence and Ruby are back but I have not seen them. Jessie has now been in Greeley nearly a week. Paul has a little Ford for use in his business this will make Jessies visit more interesting I am sure.
I think I failed to mention that Jessie sublet her lease on the flat she had so she is relieved of all responsibility of further rent, and is care-free from now on. Mary Fisher thinks that Mr. Brownlee will go to Florida with Jessie this winter. He scoffs at the climate and scenery but at the same time likes to be there with the family. Now that he owns the Atlanta house, he will not doubt be better satisfied. Being rented until May 1st he will have to live with his son until then, if he doesn't stay in Florida this winter.
Flat rents are going up this
fall. I see no rhyme or reason in it. Miss Evoy has had a raise of $10 00 per month and she tells me Miss Lane, her principal, has been increased $30 00 per month but is going to move. Several of my friends have been notified of an increase. It means moving further away from Woodlawn.
I think I shall ask the Benduses to pay 55 00 after Oct 1st as I have to pay the rent in advance, and assume gas, electric light and telephone bills. Wear and tear of furnishings etc and they are always late
in the month, sometimes the last day with their payments. Of course it gives me a fairly cheap rent, but I have the inconvenience of giving up the use of the kitchen at night, and having no bedroom. It took ten years to furnish the apartment and some things are wearing out and will have to be replaced at greater cost than formerly. What do you think am I asking too much.
I know of no flat unfurnished of even two rooms that they could get for $55 00 at least without going to the west side or far northwest side.
You are no doubt anxious to hear the opinion of Dr. Molt on the condition of my teeth. Well, it bad news, as he doesn't think they are strong enough to stand much dentistry without breaking to pieces. X-rays show that many roots are ulcerated, also there is pyorrhea.
A great
Many of the back teeth are broken off at the gums. (They began to go the year after Mr. Moon's death.) He said they might be fixed up to last a year but he recommended I have them all extracted. He would do it at Mercy Hospital for $100.00 plus a hospital fee of about $30
. (And not doubt new teeth would cost $200
or more — at least if made by any one he recommends.) His charge for telling me this was $5
and $10
for the X-ray. He really wanted me to have it done last week, but I wasn't going to be rushed into it without considering it and I think I can stand the extraction better this fall as I am in no condition for it now — not sick at all but rather exhausted from the hot summer. Dr. Molt would extract the teeth
with local anesthetic but he thought it would be too painful for any one as nervous as I am. Tthink so too. He told me there were two or three very good dentists in Woodlawn. If I decided to go to any, wished me to let him talk with one first. Of course I see that means a little commission, they all work together for a rake-off. I wish to mail this at once, so no more now.
Love to each and all of you —
J.D. Moore