George A. Dorsey to Clarence Darrow, February 18, 1926
In thanking Clarence Darrow, George Dorsey is referring to his best seller Why We Behave Like Human Beings that was published in 1925.
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14 East 8th Street
New York
February 18, 1926.
My dear Mr. Darrow:
An attack of tonsillitis has slowed me up; this is my first opportunity to tell you how tremendously grateful I am for the line about my book. I have turned it over to Harpers and naturally they are enormously pleased.
A letter from W.I.T. just received asks me to write you on the proposition of breeding intellect. It can't be done of course, or at any rate we know nothing that leads us to think that we can do it; nor is the proposition that we can breed "intelligence" a biologically sound or useful hypothesis. I have discussed this point in Section 12 to 16 of Chapter VII of my book; see especially last paragraph page 481 to end of chapter. Section 12, Chapter I, and Section 16, Chapter II (see especially pages 118-119) present the biologic background for the argument toward the end of the book already referred to.
This is the best I can do for the minute, as I am just leaving for Ohio to deliver an address at the O.S.U. Immediately on my return to New York I will attempt to furnish you additional data. Boas' "Mind of Primitive Man", of course, is an enormously important work in all matters pertaining to the distinction between physical and mental --so-called--characteristics.
Again let me express my gratitude.
With respect,
Sincerely yours,
Geo. A. Dorsey
Mr. Clarence Darrow,
77 West Washington Street,
Chicago, Ill.