Frank Lloyd Wright to Clarence Darrow, September 18, 1923
Frank Lloyd Wright is referring to the magnitude 7.9 Great Kantō earthquake that hit the Tokyo/Yokohama area in Japan on September 1, 1923. Wright had designed the Imperial Hotel and was worried it had been damaged until receiving this telegram from Baron Okura. The Imperial Hotel was the best known building Wright designed in Japan. Wright passed this telegram to a journalist, and this led to the legend that the hotel escaped without any damage. In fact it did suffer some damage, but the hotel's survival of such a devastating earthquake added to Wright's reputation. The Imperial Hotel was demolished in 1968. The lobby entrance was saved and reconstructed at the Meiji Mura architecture museum in Nagoya.
Dear Clarence
This is not so bad! Here's my line to you, notwithstanding and nevertheless, and to yours. The wire is from Baron Okura President of the company owning and operating the Hotel.
Will be at Taliesin in October.
New address here 1600
Edgemont Av.
Los Angeles
Received at Main Office 608-610 South Spring St.., Los Angeles, Cal.
1923 Sep 13 PM 6.00
AA656 27 Collect nite
Springgreen WisS 13
Frank Lloyd Wright
Olive Hall Studio Residence B 1645 Vermont Ave. Hollywood Calif
Following wireless received from Tokio today. Hotel stands undamaged as monument of your genius hundreds of homeless provided by perfectly maintained service congratulations signed Okura, Tapeho.
Clarence Darrow Attorney
Cunard Building
Randolph & Dearborn Av