The Clarence Darrow Digital Collection
Written letter from Clarence Darrow collection
Collage of Clarence Darrow at different ages Postcard from Clarence Darrow Collection

Clarence Darrow Signature

The Clarence Darrow Letters

W. A. White to Clarence Darrow, April 19, 1927

Click on the image to view as a PDF. A transcription of the letter is on the right.

The Emporia Gazette
Daily and Weekly
W. A. White, Editor and Owner
W.E. Hughs, Manager

April 19, 1927.

My dear Darrow:

Three or four days or a week before you srart for Colorado let me know and if I'm in town I want you to stop and see me. If not I'll try and see you when you are in Colorado and we'll get things going. What a fine thing your dinner must have been. I'm very proud of you.

Sincerely yours,

W.A. White

Mr. Clarence Darrow

Chicago Temple Building,

Chicago, Ill.