Clarence Darrow to Paul Darrow, September 23, 1916
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1310, 140 N. Dearborn St.
Clarence S. Darrow
Peter Sissman
Victor S. Yarros
William L. Carlin
Central 925
Automatic 44-139
Sept. 23rd
Dear Paul
Your statement for Aug. was fine. Hope it will keep up[.] I have been thinking over the bond & indebtedness business. You know April 18th next will be my 60th birth day & while I dont care any thing about this I begin to think it is time that I got things cleared up & also that I get some regular money & not stick very close to business. Of course I never have killed myself working & have had a pretty good time of it still I want to get matters fixed as soon as I can. Say by next June, I am obliged to take up Mrs. [Lathrups?] $4000? which I will do. Then I will put in all the money I get. Until then? dont know how much that will be. If you can sell any bonds do it. I will do the same. At that date I think we had better sell our stocks & [?] (if we have any left) & take up the balance. It wont help matters for you to take the bonds & borrow the money. They ought to be disposed of & I think any how that we are not
very good speculators & had better go very slow on the stock business? I have [done ?] no more & if S.P. & B. & O. get up so they average [?] think I will sell them out. Dont like to urge you to do something you dont want to but I feel as if we ought to do this & I will feel better over it[.] Then after that I can pull out some money & you can. And you will have enough to speculate? all you ought to. Have not seen