Clarence Darrow to Paul Darrow, February 15, 1913
Darrow's remark about "Rogers absence" is about Earl Rogers, his main defense attorney and also an alcoholic. Rogers had to withdraw early from Darrow's second bribery trial because his drinking had made him too ill. Rogers wanted to continue but the judge was adamant that he had to withdraw because he was too sick. Darrow conducted much of his own defense and he was assisted by former judge O.W. Powers and other members of Roger's firm.
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Fb. 15
Dear Paul;
Received your letter to day and was glad to get it; I am surprised to ,know how much business you did in Jan. I dont quite understand it; The case is getting along faster than before,it will be finished in thre weeks
more at least. It looks much better than before;in fact there is nothing to i it and I think no one beleives I eill loose,most of them are confident I will win and most of them want me to. I am not loosing any thing by Rogers absence and am saving some money; I am doing most of the work myself. Of course ther is nothing certain in this world and I may loose but still I dont care a dam