Clarence Darrow to Paul Darrow, August 9, 1911
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Clarence Darrow
Higgins Building
Los Angeles
Aug 9
Dear Paul
Have just paid Walling in full so all my debts are out of the way. Except I will probably have to take up the Lutz bonds next June. If Mrs. [Sokesfs ?] will give you the money let her do it. If not I can give you the $1000? any time and the balance any time after about 30 days. Shall keep my money in the future but of course you can always call on me. Would rather however let the gas Co. carry its self. Will not need to draw any dividends there on stock until after next year. Nothing new here. Dr. & Nellie are still here. Think you had now better draw 150.? a month, the balance from me, & get Lil a girl to