Clarence Darrow to Jessie Ohl Darrow, September 8, 1903
Darrow's reference to "Ruby" is to Ruby Hammerstrom, whom he married on July 16, 1903.
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Alexandre Leiler & Freres
(Zermatt (Valais Suisse)
Altitude 1620: Metres.
le Sept 8 1903
Dear JessieI have been on the move all the time since leaving America but have settled down here for a few days[.] Have not written many letters & have had very few so dont know just how things are going at home. Though I had a letter from Paul in which he said you were all having a good time and of course I was glad of this[.]
I rather think I shall come home soon. The stock market has been so bad that I feel as though I ought to look closely after my business for an other year. I did think that I had enough to keep us all but dont want to risk any thing now on account of any
of us. Still I am in hopes that things will look better soon so that I will have enough with what money I have on hand to finish paying for 200 shares[.]
Before I left I told Frank to give you all the money that came in or to give it to Baker to be paid in stocks[.] There should have been some in [ Aug?] I have not heard. I wish you would telephone him and if there is let him send it to you or to Baker
whichever you choose. I would not send Baker less than $1000— but would rather keep it[.] I want you to know that when I return I shall live where I did before or in some cheap house near buy and shall not spend money or be extravagant in any way. I should not do this even if we were all provided for but this must come first. I do not know whether the land was sold I thought it would be and I left word to have all the money paid to you or Baker if this was sold it would make things easy.
Ruby understood every thing in advance
& knew how much I thought of you and Paul and that I should always consider that I must first look out for both and she believes in it fully and wants it that way. You will find that I will not be changed in any way and that so long as I live you will both come first. This is all I will need to say for I want you to be happy & there is no occasion for
Ever with love
Love to your Mother.