9 Will III c.1 (1697):
An Act for banishing all papists exercising any ecclesiastical
jurisdiction and all regulars of the popish clergy...
Sec. 1. Whereas it is notoriously known, that the late rebellions
in this kingdom have been promoted by popish bishops and other
ecclesiastical persons of the popish religion, and forasmuch as
the peace and publick safety of this kingdom is in danger by the
great number of said the clergy now residing here, and settling
in fraternities contrary to law, and to the great impoverishing
of his Majesty's subjects who are forced to maintain them, and
said the clergy do not only endeavour to withdraw his Majesty's
subjects from their obedience, but do daily stir up and move sedition
and rebellion , all popish archbishops, bishops, vicars-general,
deans, jesuits, monks, friars, and all other regular popish clergy
shall depart out of this kingdom before the 1st day of May, 1698,
and if any of said ecclesiastical persons shall after that day
be in this kingdom, they shall suffer imprisonment, and remain
in prison until transported out of his Majesty's dominions, wherever
his Majesty or the chief governors of this kingdom shall see fit,
and if any person so transported shall return, he shall be guilty
of high treason.
9 Will III c.1 (1697):
An Act for banishing all papists exercising any ecclesiastical
jurisdiction and all regulars of the popish clergy...
Sec. 2. All such popish clergy shall before the 1st day of May
repair to certain named seaports to await transportation into
some parts beyond the sea, giving their names to the mayor who
shall make a list and with the collector of the port, assist in
the transporting of such clergy.
9 Will III
c.1 (1697):
An Act for banishing all papists exercising any ecclesiastical
jurisdiction and all regulars of the popish clergy...
Sec. 3. After the 29th day of December, 1697, such popish clergy
as enter this kingdom shall suffer twelve months imprisonment,
and then transportation; upon return after transportation, they
shall be guilty of high treason.
9 Will III c.1 (1697):
An Act for banishing all papists exercising any ecclesiastical
jurisdiction and all regulars of the popish clergy...
Sec. 4-5. Anyone who shall knowingly harbour such popish clergy
shall for the first offence forfeit 20 pounds, for the second
offence, double that sum, and for the third offence, shall forfeit
all his lands during his life, and also his goods and chattels,
one half to his Majesty, one half (not to exceed 100 pounds) to
the informer.
9 Will III c.1 (1697)
An Act for banishing all papists exercising any ecclesiastical
jurisdiction and all regulars of the popish clergy...
Sec. 8-10. Every justice of the peace, shall from time to time
issue their warrants for apprehending such popish clergy, and
for suppressing all monasteries or other popish fraternities or
societies, and give accounts of the same. Any justice of the peace,
mayor, or other officer who shall neglect their duty to execute
this act shall forfeit 100 pounds for each such neglect, one half
to his Majesty, one half to the informer, and be disabled from
serving as justice of the peace during his life.
2 Ann c.3 (1703):
An Act to prevent Popish Priests from coming into this Kingdom
Sec. 1. Whereas great numbers of Popish bishops, deans, fryers,
jesuits, and other regulars of the popish clergy come into this
kingdom from France, Spain, and other foreign parts, under the
disguise of being Popish secular priests, with intent to stir
up her Majesty's Popish subjects to rebellion, and for that sufficient
proof to convict them cannot be had, they have hitherto remained
in this kingdom contrary to law, to the great prejudice of her
Majesty's Protestant subjects and to the hazard of the publick
peace, every clergyman of the popish religion who shall come
into this kingdom and every person who shall knowingly conceal
the same, shall be liable to such penalties, forfeitures, and
punishments as is imposed on popish bishops etc. by the act of
9 Will III c.1.
2 Ann c. 3: (1703):
An Act to prevent Popish Priests from coming into this Kingdom
Sec. 2. Any person who shall knowingly harbour such
clergyman of the popish religion shall be liable to such penalties
as are imposed on the harbourers of popish regulars.
2 Ann c. 3: (1703)
An Act to prevent Popish Priests from coming into this Kingdom
Sec. 3-4. Justices of the peace, mayors etc are enjoined to use
utmost diligence in apprehending such popish priests; neglect
of this duty to be punished by a forfeiture of 100 pounds, one
half to the Queen, the other to the informer. Jurisdiction over
returned priests shall be in such county wherein they shall be
taken or in any county where her Majesty shall appoint.
2 Ann c.7 (1703):
An Act for registering the Popish Clergy
Sec. 1. Whereas two acts lately made for banishing all regulars
of the Popish clergy out of this kingdom and to prevent Popish
priests from coming into the same may be wholly eluded, unless
the government be truly informed of the number of such dangerous
persons as still reside among us, all popish priests now in
this kingdom shall after 24 June, 1704 register at the next quarter
sessions, with their name, age, the parish of which he pretends
to be popish priest, the time and place of receiving popish orders,
and from whom received, and give two sureties of fifty pounds
for peaceable behaviour and not remove to any other part of the
And all popish priests who shall not so register shall be committed
to the common gaol till they be transported.
2 Ann. c. 7: (1703)
An Act for registering the Popish Clergy
Sec. 1 cont.. All popish priests being so convicted shall be transported
out of this kingdom, and shall incur the same penalties upon returning
as popish bishops and regulars, by the Act of 9 Will. III, ch
26. Clerks of the peace are to transmit returns of such registrations,
or forfeit 10 pounds.
2 Ann c.7 (1703):
An Act for registering the Popish Clergy
Sec. 2. Every popish priest who shall convert and conform to the
Church of Ireland as by law established shall have 20 pounds yearly
for their maintenance and till they are otherwise provided for,
said money to be levied on the inhabitants of such county or city
or town where such converted priest did last officiate.
And such converts shall publickly read the liturgy of the Church
of Ireland in the English or Irish tongue, in such places as the
archbishop or bishop of that diocese shall appoint.
2 Ann c.7 (1703):
An Act for registering the Popish Clergy
Sec. 3. No popish priest shall have any popish curate. Every popish
priest that shall neglect to register shall depart out of this
kingdom before the 20th of July, 1704, and any remaining shall
be esteemed a popish regular clergyman, and prosecuted as such.
4 Ann c.2 (1705):
An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled An Act for registering
the popish clergy
Sec. 1. Whereas two acts lately made for banishing popish clergy
do not extend to the great numbers of popish priests as have been
ordained in this kingdom since the time appointed for registering
the popish clergy, if any popish priest shall after the 24th
day of June 1705 be found in this kingdom other than those priests
who shall have registered, shall be liable to the penalties imposed
on popish bishops and regulars.
4 Ann c.2 (1705):
An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled An Act for registering
the popish clergy
Sec. 2. Any persons who knowingly harbour such unregistered popish
clergymen shall be liable to the penalties imposed on concealers
of popish bishops and regulars.
4 Ann c.2 (1705):
An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled An Act for registering
the popish clergy
Sec. 4. Any mayor, justice of the peace or other officer who shall
neglect to execute this Act shall forfeit 50 pounds, one half
to the Queen, one half to the informer.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec 17. The acts of 2 Ann c.3 and 4 Ann c.2 requiring the registration of
popish clergy, are hereby made perpetual.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 18. The annual maintenance for converted priests is raised
to 30 pounds yearly, to be levied on the inhabitants of such county
where such converted priest did last reside, and requires them
to not only read the common prayer or liturgy of the Church of
Ireland, but also to preach weekly in the English or Irish tongue
as the bishop shall direct.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 19. Every popish priest which keeps a curate shall lose the
benefit of being registered, and he and his popish curate shall
be prosecuted as popish regulars.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 20. For discovering, so to lead to the apprehension and conviction
of any popish archbishop, bishop, vicar general, jesuit, monk,
or other person exercising foreign ecclesiastical jurisdiction,
a reward of 50 pounds, and 20 pounds for each regular clergyman
or non-registered secular clergyman so discovered, and 10 pounds
for each popish schoolmaster, usher or assistant; said reward
to be levied on the popish inhabitants of the county where found.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 22. All registered popish priests shall take the oath of
abjuration before the 25th
of March, 1710, or incur the penalties as a popish regular.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 25. No popish priest shall officiate anywhere but in the
parish where he officiated at the time of registration, without
incurring the penalties as a popish regular
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 31-33. Any papist clergy or schoolmaster liable to transportation
under these Acts shall within three months be transported to the
common gaol of the next seaport town, to remain until transported.
If any merchant freighting any ship outward bound for any port
not within the kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland refuse to
take such papists, not exceeding five per ship, if required by
the chief magistrate, the collector of customs shall not discharge
such ship until such merchant shall consent to receive and transport
such papists. Such merchant shall receive 5 pounds for the transportation
of every such person to any part of the West Indies not being
subject to her Majesty, and 3 pounds to Europe, and shall enter
into a recognizance in the amount of 50 pounds that he shall transport
such papist outside of her Majesty's dominions. If any such papist
shall be found in this kingdom out of the custody of the said
merchant or ships master, he shall suffer the penalties of such
regular clergyman who hath been banished and returned again.
31 Geo II c.9 (1759):
An Act for reviving, continuing, and amending several temporary
Sec. 1 The act of 8 Ann c.3 so far as it relates to the encouragement
to popish priests becoming protestants, shall be revived and continued
in force for 11 years.