7 Will III c.14 (1695):
An Act declaring which days in the year shall be observed as holy-days
Sec. 1. Whereas many idle persons refuse to work at their lawful
calling on several days in the year, on pretence that the same
is dedicated to some saint, or pretended saint, for whom they
have or pretend to have reverence, and chuse to spend such days
in idleness, drunkenness, and vice, to the scandal of religion,
no other day except those days listed herein, or some other day
set apart by order of his Majesty, shall be kept holy. Any common
labourer or servant who shall refuse to work for the usual and
accustomed wages on any other day, shall forfeit two shillings
on conviction. If such offender fail to pay the fine, he shall
be publickly whipped.
7 Will III c.14 (1695):
An Act declaring which days in the year shall be observed as holy-days
Sec. 2-3. Any constable who refuses to execute this punishment
shall himself be bound over for contempt, and if found guilty,
fined not more that 20 shillings. Provided no justice of the peace
shall execute this statute for offenses against his own personal
interests, or where complaint was made more than 10 days after
the offence.
9 Will III c.1 (1697):
An Act for banishing all papists exercising any ecclesiastical
jurisdiction and all regulars of the popish clergy...
Sec. 6-7. No person shall bury any dead in any suppressed monastery,
abbey, or convent, upon pain of forfeiting ten pounds, which sum
shall be recovered from any person present at the burial, one
half to the informer, one half to the minister and church wardens
of the parish where such offences shall be committed.. Appeal
may be made to the next judges of assize or to the justices at
the next quarter sessions.
2 Ann c.6 (1703):
An Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery
Sec. 26. Whereas the superstitions of popery are greatly increased
by the pretended sanctity of places, especially of a place called
St. Patrick's Purgatory in the county of Donegal, and of wells
to which pilgrimages are made by vast numbers, all such meetings
and assembles shall be adjudged riots, and unlawful assemblies,
and punishable as such, and all sheriffs, justices of the peace
and other magistrates shall be diligent in putting the laws against
offenders into due execution.
2 Ann c.6 (1703):
An Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery
Sec. 27. All persons so assembling contrary to this Act shall
forfeit ten shillings, one half to the informer, one half to the
poor of the parish where such offender shall be convicted.
And if such offender shall not pay said sum, he shall be committed
to a constable to be publickly whipped.
And all persons who at such assemblies build booths or sell ale,
victuals, or other commodities, shall forfeit twenty shillings,
to be levied by sale of such goods, and in default of such sale,
by imprisonment until paid.
And magistrates are required to demolish all crosses, pictures,
and inscriptions that are anywhere publickly set up and which
are the occasion of popish superstitions.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 21. Any 2 justices of the peace may summon any popish person
of sixteen years or upwards, to appear in three days and give
testimony on oath where and when he heard or was present at the
celebration of the popish mass, and who celebrated the same, and
who were present at the celebration thereof, and likewise touching
the residence of any popish priest or any popish schoolmaster
who may be disguised, concealed, or itinerant in the country,
and also to fully answer to all such circumstances and things
touching on such popish persons.
Such person not appearing, or answering, shall be committed to
the common gaol for twelve months, unless he or she pay down a
sum not exceeding twenty pounds, for the use of the poor of the
Provided that such examination shall be only of such offenses
committed within thirty days before such examination, and shall
not subject the party examined to any penalty, or be used in evidence
against him, unless said person is indicted for having committed
wilful perjury in such examination
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 23. Any two justices of the peace, by warrant directed to
any sheriff or constable, may summon any man of 16 years and upward,
to appear before such justices, and take and subscribe the oath
of abjuration.
And if such person not appear, or refuse to take the oath, he
may be committed to the common gaol or house of correction for
three months, unless he pay a sum not to exceed forty shillings
as said justices may require, to the use of the poor, and such
offender shall be forever incapable of having a license to bear
And three months after such refusal, two justices may summon such
offender to take the oath, and if he shall not appear or refuse
again, may commit him to gaol for six months, unless he pay a
sum not to exceed 10 pounds, nor under 5 pounds, to the use of
the poor, and the offender be bound with two sufficient sureties
to appear at the next assizes or gaol delivery and to be of good
At which assizes or quarter sessions the said oath shall be tendered
to said offender by the justices of assize in their open assizes,
or quarter sessions and if said offender shall refuse to take
the oath, he shall incur the penalties of praemunire.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 24. Provided that any of those protestant dissenters called
Quakers, who scruple taking any oath, who produces a certificate
under the hands and seals of six credible men of his society,
owning him to be one of them, and who subscribes a declaration
to same effect as the oath of abjuration,
as well as the declaration against
transubstantiation, shall be exempted from the penalties of
this Act.
6 Geo I c.5 (1719):
An Act for exempting the Protestant Dissenters of this Kingdom
from certain Penalties,...
Sec. 13. Nothing in this act on behalf of protestant dissenters
shall extend to give any ease of advantage to any person professing
the popish religion, nor to any person who shall deny the doctrine
of the blessed Trinity.