

Irish Law and History

Irish History on the Web - University of Texas

American and British History Resources on the Internet - Rutgers University

Irish History: Documents - University of Texas

CELT - Irish Electronic Texts (list of Irish Language texts)

The National Archives of Ireland: Research Guides

Elizabeth's Supremacy Act (1559) - Hanover College

8 Nov 1673 -- Dublin

The Williamite Penal Laws

Laws that Isolated and Impoverished the Irish

Ireland and America: The Viewer and The Viewed - University of Ireland, Cork

Irish Studies

The Irish Manuscripts Commission - Historical Manuscripts

H-Albion Discussion Network

Nugent Papers

Public Records Office of Northern Ireland

Irish Committee of Historical Sciences

Oxford, Bodleian Library, Irish Language Manuscript MS. Rawl. B. 467

Noel Fahey's Home Page on Irish Affairs

Irish Resources in the Humanities


Eighteenth Materials

The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School : Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy


Eighteenth-Century E-Texts-Rutgers University

Eighteenth-Century Studies

Internet Library of Early Journals-Oxford University

Western European Studies Section - University of Virginia

Early Modern French Women Writers - University of Minnesota

Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Main Page- Fordham University


General Electronic Texts

Electronic Text Center -- University of Virginia

Representative Poetry On-line - University of Toronto

The Oxford Text Archive

Text Centers - University of Chicago

HTI Alphabetic List of Resources - University of Michigan

LETRS Searchable Texts and Dictionaries - University of Indiana *Access mostly restricted

ARTFL French Language Texts - University of Chicago *Paid subscribers only

WebMuseum: Revolution and restoration (1740-1860) - Paintings

Library of Congress Historical Documents on Line