4 Will and Mary c.2 (1692):
An Act for encouragement of Protestant strangers to settle in
this kingdom of Ireland
Sec. 1-3. Continues the Act of 14 Charles II c.13 for the encouragement
of Protestant settlement in Ireland for an additional 7 years,
and substitutes for the oath of supremacy
and allegiance, the oaths
and declaration against transubstantiation
set forth in English 3 Will and Mary c.2. And provides that such
Protestant strangers shall enjoy the free exercise of their religion,
and the liberty of meeting publickly for worship, any former law
2 Ann c.14 (1703):
An Act for naturalizing of all Protestant strangers in this kingdom
Sec.1-2. Revives the act of 14-15 Charles 2, c.13 for encouraging
and naturalization of Protestant strangers and continues its provisions
for 5 more years, provided the immigrants take the oaths of allegiance, abhorrence,
and abjuration and the declaration against transubstantiation.
2 Ann c.14 (1703):
An Act for naturalizing of all Protestant strangers in this kingdom
Sec. 3-5. Provided no naturalized alien shall serve or vote in
any election to Parliament, or corporation office or election.
The freedom of any city received hereunder continues only while
he or she dwells therein. And those who bring an expence with
them shall be freed from corporation taxes and offices for 7 years.
4 Geo I c.9 (1717):
An act for reviving, continuing, and amending several Statues
Sec. 1-2, 4. The act of ?-14 Charles II, ch 13 for encouraging
protestant strangers to inhabit the kingdom of Ireland is revived
and made permanent, other than the clause exempting them from
payment of excise, providing such stranger shall take the usual
oaths and declaration.. Such protestant
strangers that bring any expence along with them shall be freed
from corporation taxes, and freed from serving in corporation
offices for 7 years.