2 Ann c.6 (1703):
An Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery
Sec. 15. No person shall benefit from this act as a protestant
unless he shall conform to the Church of Ireland as by law established,
and subscribe to the declaration
against transubstantiation and the oath of abjuration.
8 Ann c.3 (1709):
An Act for explaining ... an Act to Prevent the further Growth
of Popery
Sec. 11. No persons who have turned from the popish to the protestant
religion shall be deemed to be protestant or take benefit thereby
unless such persons shall within 6 months of declaring themselves
protestant, receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper according
to the usage of the Church of Ireland, and make the declaration
against transubstantiation, and shall take the oath of abjuration, and shall file
in the high court of chancery, certificates thereof.
6 Geo I c.6 (1719):
An Act to prevent Delays in Writs of Error, and for the further
Amendments of the Law
Sec. 16. Whereas some doubt hath arisen whether the children
of popish parents who by the permission of their parents have
been bred protestants are to be reckoned as protestants, or converts,
all children of popish parents who have been brought up in
the protestant religion from the age of 12 and have received the
Lord's Supper in the Church of Ireland by Law established, shall
be deemed protestants and enjoy all the rights and privileges
of protestants..
6 George I c. 6 (1719):
An Act to prevent Delays in Writs of Error, and for the further
Amendments of the Law
Sec. 17. Provided if such children after age 18 declare themselves
of the communion of the Church of Rome, or be present at Matins
or Vespers, they shall be liable to such penalties as converted
papists relapsing to popery.
1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 2. Every person who shall be called to the bar, etc. who
shall be converted from the popish to the protestant religion,
shall educate in the protestant religion according to the Church
of Ireland as by law established, all their children under the
age of fourteen years. And all converts from the popish to the
protestant religion shall in like manner educate all their children
who at the time of their conversion shall be under the age of
14 years.
1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 3. Any convert from the popish to the protestant religion
who shall after the time of their conversion, permit their children
to be educated in the popish religion shall be liable to all the
disabilities of papists.
1 Geo II c.20 (1727):
An Act for Regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, ...
Sec. 5. If any protestant permit his children under the age of
14 years to be educated in the popish religion, such protestant
shall be subject to all the disabilities of papists.
13 Geo II c.6 (1739):
An Act to explain, amend , and make more effectual an Act ...
disarming Papists.
Sec. 16. All persons professing the protestant religion who shall
educate any of their children under the age of 14 in the popish
religion, shall be deemed a papist for the purposes of this act.