7 Will III c.15 (1695):
An Act for granting a supply to his Majesty, by raising money by a poll,....
Sec.17 and 39. Every person, except women, persons 16 years of age and under,
and those paying only one shilling tax, who fail to take the oath of allegiance
and the declaration against transubstantiation,
shall be charged double the tax he would otherwise pay. And no person shall
be a tax commissioner under this act unless he take the said oaths.
9 Will III c.8 (1697):
An Act for granting a supply to his Majesty, by raising money
by a poll
Sec. 4 and 27. All persons, except women, children under 18, and
persons paying no more than 2 shillings tax, who fail to take
the oaths of allegiance,
abhorrence, and the declaration against transubstantiation
shall pay double the tax that they otherwise would be charged
6 Ann. c. 6 (1707):
An Act to explain ...An Act to prevent Papists being Solicitors
Sec. 5. No papist shall serve on any grand jury unless it shall
appear that a sufficient number of protestants cannot be had for
such service. And at all trials on any presentment, indictment
or information on the popery acts, any papist on the petit jury
may be challenged and such challenge shall be allowed.
2 Ann c.6 (1703):
An Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery
Sec. 25. Any advowsons of churches, or right of presentation to
any ecclesiastical benefice claimed by papists shall vest in her
Majesty until such papist shall conform.
2 Geo I c.10 (1715):
An Act to Restrain Papists from being High or Petty Constables,...
Sec. 7. Although in times of peace papists as well as protestants
may be watchmen, yet in times of danger watchmen should be of
the protestant religion; thus whenever it shall seem necessary
to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor of this kingdom,
that the parish watches shall be kept by protestant watchmen only,
warrants shall issue to the several high and petty constables
requiring them to settle protestants, and none other to be watchmen
in their several parishes, and as often as it shall come to the
turn of the papists to watch, such papists shall provide protestants,
to be approved of by one or more justice of the peace residing
within such parish; and for default thereof the said justices
are required to appoint protestants to serve in the stead of sch
papists, and to issue their warrants for the levying by distress
and sale of the goods of such papists in whose turns such protestants
shall serve, 12 pence for each night to be paid to such protestants
as shall watch in the turn of such papists.
4 Geo I c.15 (1717):
An Act for the better regulating the town of Gallway (sic)...
Sec 1.Whereas the protestant interest and security of Connaught
depend upon the fidelity of the inhabitants of Galway, yet for
several years a design hath been formed in Galway by the magistrates
and governing part of the corporation to support a popish and
discourage the protestant interest; nunneries and other places
of refuge for illegal clergy have been connived at; and great
numbers of papists by notorious neglect of the magistrates have
been permitted to inhabit the town, contrary to law; by reason
of which a sufficient number of protestant freeholders cannot
be found to try offenders against the several acts against papists,
whereby a great number of popish priests etc frequently land from
foreign parts and find opportunities to disperse themselves into
all other parts of this kingdom; and whereas the mayor and recorder,
have formed a common council which carries on their evil design,
from the 25th day of December 1717, protestant freeholders residing
anywhere in the entire county of Galway may be called to serve
on the juries within the town of Galway.
4 Geo I c.15 (1717):
An Act for the better regulating the town of Gallway (sic)...
Sec. 5-6. All persons who profess themselves of any trade or handy
craft that shall reside in Galway shall be free of the town and
corporation and exempted from corporation taxes for 7 years from
arrival. Provided that no persons are to have the benefit of their
freedoms aforesaid unless they have been professed protestants
for 7 years or upwards, and shall take the usual oaths of freemen,
and also the oaths of allegiance,
and supremacy and abjuration
and subscribe the declaration
against transubstantiation.
4 Geo I c.16 (1717):
An Act for the better regulating the Corporation of the City of
Sec. 1 Whereas for several years past there has been a design
formed to support a popish and Jacobite interest in the city of
Kilkenny in support of the pretender and for the encouragement
of rebellion, in pursuance of which many illegal practices have
been used to procure persons disaffected to the king to be admitted
into the government and offices of the city, to pervert public
justice, and especially to render prosecutions against papists
and other enemies to the government ineffectual, certain named
individuals are removed from the corporation, and other acts are
taken against them.
6 Geo I c.10 (1719):
An Act for the better regulating the Parish Watches, ...
Sec. 5. Whenever it shall seem necessary to the lord lieutenant,
or other chief governor of this kingdom, that the parish watches
shall be kept by protestant watchmen only, warrants shall issue
to the several high and petty constables requiring them to settle
protestants, and none other to be watchmen in their several parishes,
and as often as it shall come to the turn of the papists to watch,
such papists shall provide protestants, to be approved of by one
or more justice of the peace residing within such parish; and
for default thereof the said justices are required to appoint
protestants to serve in the stead of sch papists, and to issue
their warrants for the levying by distress and sale of the goods
of such papists in whose turns such protestants shall serve, 12
pence for each night to be paid to such protestants as shall watch
in the turn of such papists
10 Geo I c.6 (1723):
An Act for explaining and amending ... an Act for real Union and
Division of Parishes;...
Sec. 2. Whereas by the act of 2 Geo I c.14, the consent of
the parishioners or the major part of them is necessary to the
ordering new churches to be built in more convenient places, and
in divers parishes great numbers of the inhabitants are of the
popish religion, who by refusing to consent to the building new
churches, greatly obstruct the execution of the said act,
the consent of the protestant parishioners of such parish shall
be a sufficient consent.
12 Geo I c.9 (1725):
An Act for the more effectual erecting and better regulating of
Free Schools, ...
Sec. 7-8: For preventing papists having it in their power to
obstruct the rebuilding and repairing churches for divine worship,
no inhabitant of any parish being a papist, shall be capable of
giving their vote at any vestry to be held for the purposes aforesaid.
Such money as shall be agreed upon for building and repairing
of churches shall be levied by warrant under the hands of two
justices of the peace by the church wardens, by distress and sale
of the goods of the persons refusing or neglecting to pay the
sums applotted on them.
9 Geo II ch 3 (1735):
An Act for the better regulating of Juries
Sec 1 and 12. No person shall serve on a jury in the Four Courts
or before a justice of the peace or of assize (except in cities
and towns) who shall not have a freehold of value of 5 pounds
per year, or, being protestant, shall not be possessed of a lease
of which not less than 10 years remains, or of 61 years on which
a profit rent of not less than 15 pounds per year shall accrue
to the lessee. Nothing in this act shall qualify any person of
the popish religion to serve on a jury which any other act renders
him incapable of so serving.
11 Geo II c.7 (1737):
An Act for ... preventing the Enlisting of His Majesty's Subjects
to serve as Soldiers in foreign Service ...
Sec. 3. No papist or reputed papist may serve as a juror upon
the trial of any offender against this act (which forbids on pain
of death the enlisting or inducing enlistment in any foreign army.)
21 Geo II c.10 (1747):
An Act to amend and make more effectual ... an Act for the better
regulating Elections of Members to serve in Parliament ...
Sec. 8. Whereas many towns corporate, not being cities, have
been obliged for want of protestant inhabitants resident within
such towns, to elect non-residents into the corporate offices,
despite the letter of their respective charters, causing controversies
whereby the peace and good government of such corporations may
be interrupted, it shall be made lawful for duly elected persons
to hold such offices as if they were residents.
29 Geo II c.6 (1755):
An Act for better regulating Juries.
Sec. 1. No person shall be qualified to serve as a juror that
shall not be seized of a freehold of a yearly value of 10 pounds,
or if a protestant only, possess a leasehold of which 15 years
or more is unexpired, or leases of 61 years or more with a clear
profit rent of not less than 15 pounds
29 Geo II c.6 (1755):
An Act for better regulating Juries.
Sec. 12. No papist may serve on any jury in the trial of any suit
between a protestant and a papist, and any challenge to such a
juror being papist shall be allowed.