The tenth Year of William III.

A.D. 1698

Chap. VIII.

An Act for the preservation of the Game, and the more easy Conviction of such as

shall destroy the same.

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IV. And whereas divers papists, not qualified by the laws and statutes of this realm to have and keep guns or other firearms, do notwithstanding use and keep the same, under pretence of being servants to some protestant or protestants in the nature of his or their fowler, or the like: for the remedy thereof for the future be it enacted, That from and after the twentieth day of October one thousand six hundred ninety eight, no papist or papists, or reputed papist or papists, shall be employed as fowler for any protestant or protestants, or under colour of pretence thereof shall have, keep, carry, or use any such gun or firearms; and if any such gun or other fire arms shall from and after the twentieth day of October one thousand six hundred ninety eight be found in the possession or keeping of any such papist or papists, or reputed papist or papists, not qualified to have or keep the same by the laws now in force in this realm, the same shall or may be seized and taken by warrant of any justice of the peace of the county where the same shall be found, which warrant such justice of the peace, on information to him given, is hereby required to grant; and such gun or other fire-arms, as shall be so seized by vertue thereof, shall immediately after such seizure belong unto or become the property of the person or persons giving information touching the same, notwithstanding that such gun or other fire-arms, at the time when the same were so seized and taken in the possession of such papist or papists, or reputed papist or papists, did really belong unto or was the properety of some protestant or protestants, or other person qualified to keep fire-arms.